What you Need to Know Before Installing a Skylight

If you’re looking to brighten up a room or change its appearance altogether, you might immediately think of a skylight. Before you seriously think about installing a skylight, there are a few factors you should consider first.  

Consider the Pros and Cons  

Before making any major change to your home, it’s important to consider the pros and cons; installing a skylight is no different. 

The Benefits of Skylights 

Skylights provide natural lighting to a room, which can make a room feel both cozier and more connected to its natural surroundings. 

In fact, natural lighting beneficially impacts your mood, sleep cycle, and even productivity. Who knew?  

In addition to the mood boost that natural light from a skylight can provide, skylights also act to heat your home. This, paired with cross-ventilation, can actually reduce energy costs. 

Not only can installing a skylight reduce monthly costs, but skylights can increase your home’s resale value. This added equity can give you some confidence in your decision to install a skylight or two; home buyers are attracted to naturally well-lit spaces. 

The Cons of Skylights 

Any change can have its disadvantages, and skylights are no different. 

Material Selection

Some have made the mistake of cutting costs on materials and installation, which can lead to a plethora of problems that will impact your home in the long run. 

To avoid leaks, increased energy costs, and general frustration, it’s vital that you invest in a skylight made of durable high-quality materials. 

Of course, the cost of skylight installation is something that you should work into your budget as the buyer. Equally, it’s important to evaluate the potential hazards of “going cheap” on skylight purchases and installation. 

Don’t DIY Your Skylight 

To cut costs, some homeowners decide to DIY a skylight. This decision leads to numerous pitfalls. From leaks to breakage, and even structural damage to your roof, DIY’ing a skylight is simply dangerous and a waste of money.

When it comes to selecting the right place to install a skylight and the installation itself, always hire a professional

Professionals with a background in skylight installation can help you make the right decision for your budget. When it comes to structural changes to your roof, placement, energy considerations, and installation, a skylight isn’t something you should ever do on your own. 

General Skylight Considerations 

You want a skylight and you’ve decided to hire a professional. What’s next? 

Give us a call. Our skylight professionals at Columbine Roofing can help begin the process. 

First, we’ll need to consider an installation timeline. Of course, summer is often the best time to install a skylight, as the roof is dry. With Colorado weather being somewhat unpredictable, however, installation can often happen throughout the year. 

If weather prevents immediate installation, we can still discuss placement, materials, types of skylights, and make recommendations about what’s best for your home and budget.  

For energy-efficient, cost-saving, beautiful skylights, always call the professionals at Columbine Roofing.