Roof Buying Guide for First-Time Homeowners

A house

Congratulations on purchasing a new home! This is a big and exciting time. If you find that you need a new roof, you might not know where to begin, and that’s 1,000% okay. If you’re a first-time homeowner, we’ve created a roof buying guide to help you through the process.

Signs you May Need a New Roof

As a new homeowner, you may know that you need a new roof due to the inspection report.

If nothing came up on the inspection, but you begin seeing the following signs a few months into the ownership of your home, consider exploring the possibility that you need a new roof:

Your Neighbors are Getting New Roofs

If your home is in a neighborhood, it’s quite possible that the homes were built within just a few years of one another (if not the same year). This means the roofs in the neighborhood are probably on a similar timeline in terms of lifespan.

If you notice that a handful of your neighbors are getting new roofs, it’s possible that you may need one as well. To decide, we recommend scheduling a roof inspection.

You Notice Roof Damage

If you’re working in the yard and find a shingle or two, or can see dents from the street, your roof may be damaged.

Roofs in Colorado are exposed to extreme weather. Heavy storms, debris, and hail can damage roofs. If you have significant roof damage, this could be a sign that you need a new roof.

Your Roof Looks “Bad”

Not all roofs are pretty, although they can be. If your roof looks like it is in rough shape because you notice dents, lumps, or discoloration, consider an inspection. If these damages have been left to fester, there may be greater problems, like water damage, that you’re unable to see.

Benefits of a Purchasing a New Roof

If a professional determines that your home needs a new roof, know that there are a few benefits. While this feels like a huge investment (and it is), there are a few perks that you’ll notice.

Roof Style

Looking to modernize or change the style of the roof on your home? This is your opportunity to do so.

There are a few types of roofs best for Colorado homes.

Depending on your location and the foliage around your home you might want a more durable tile roof. While these are more expensive, tile roofs can last for decades and come with excellent warranties.

Asphalt composite shingles are a great standard and come in a variety of colors. This is nice too, especially if you’re looking to repaint your home’s exterior in the near future.

If you are looking to add a new feature to your roof, like a skylight, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Energy Efficiency

Roofs play a huge role in the energy efficiency of your home. A new roof and insulation impact airflow, temperature consistency, and of course, your monthly energy bill.

We suggest talking to your contractor about what style of roof and type of insulation will help you achieve your sustainable energy goals.

Ready for a New Roof?

Columbine Roofing specializes in providing homeowners with residential roofing installation. As a local company with a national reputation for excellent service, we are thrilled to be a part of your journey, and happy to help in any way that we can. We truly hope this roof buying guide provides you with some key aspects to consider.