Why A Healthy Roof Protects Your Home From Mold Damage

Why A Healthy Roof Protects Your Home From Mold Damage

Just say the word “mold” and homeowners will shutter. When it comes to the growth and spread of mold we know it is a serious concern for homeowners all over the country. Mold is often a symptom of water-related damages that has been happening for some time. This is why identifying the source and getting it fixed, is a must. If not, you can be making your home’s structural health be in jeopardy. 

Older homes can be susceptible to this type of damage. The only way to prevent mold in your attic is to understand those conditions that encourage the growth of mold. You can also learn about the early warning signs of mold damage.

What Causes Mold to Grow?

Mold loves slightly damp and humid conditions. It spreads quickly by releasing tiny spores into the environment. These spores love to grow in poorly ventilated areas of your home like the basement, attic, and crawl space. These areas tend to have excess moisture. They also are often built with wood or drywall which can absorb moisture. 

Mold growth is easy to spot. It will look like black, brown, dark-green or gray blotches and it will often have a musty smell. 

Why Mold is Dangerous

Mold can easily spread extremely when allowed to live in a favorable habitat. You’re attic can be overrun in a short period if you are not careful. This is the type of fungus that causes decay which deteriorates wood. When this happens, the strength of the wood is impaired. If dry rot then becomes widespread you’ll be tasked with paying for many repairs. 

Mold allergies and asthma can also be triggered if it is growing in your home. Even a small outbreak can reduce the indoor air quality of your home. That’s why it’s smart to catch mold in the early stages of its growth.

How to Prevent Mold Damage in Your Home

To prevent the spread of mold, according to the CDC, it’s best to follow these strategies to control moisture levels in your home and avoid mold from developing in the first place:

  • Maintain your home’s humidity level. A great temperature is between 30% and 60%
  • Replace missing and warped shingles
  • Clean walls in humid rooms with bleach or other mold-killing products
  • Place mold inhibitors to your paint

Proactive roof maintenance is always the number one way to keep mold out of your attic. If you’re concerned about your roof’s condition or think that it looks like there could be potential issues that could develop, then take action.

Our team of roofing professionals is ready to help you stay mold-free! Make an appointment with one of our contractors today. We are ready to serve you!