How to de-ice your roof

Winter weather can have a negative affect on your roof in a number of different ways. Accumulation of snow is one way damage can be caused but some of the other damage can be caused by icicles and ice dams which can lead to leaks on the inside of your home and damage to your roof and shingles. Learn how to de-ice your roof and when its time to call a professional.

Ice dams are the largest cause of damage to roofs and shingles in cold climate areas. An ice dam is a block of ice that forms on the roof that prevents water from draining off the roof. The water builds on top of the roof in a small puddle and eventually leaking into your home.

What are the signs of an ice dam?

Inspect the icicles that are around the outside of your home. Are the icicles just around the gutters of your home? Whenever possible, remove icicles from the outside of your home, making sure no one is standing directly underneath them this will help reduce risk of injury.

Check the attic for water stains on the ceiling or walls. This will be a tell tale sign of water has leaked into the home from the roof.

An ice dam begins when heat is generated from the roof causing snow to melt and again freeze during cold temperatures. Blocked water from behind the ice dam can cause a leak damaging your homes interior including walls, ceilings, drywall and other damage.

Other damage to your roof can be caused by:

  • Falling ice or snow onto lower areas of the roof.
  • Large amount of weight onto the roof from large quantities of heavy, wet snow causing damage to the roof.
  • Ice accumulation from small eaves
  • Having a low-sloped roof increased chances of ice dams.

It is critical to remove ice dams immediately after being spotted. This can be the single most important thing that you can do to prevent damage to your roof and shingles ultimately damaging the interior of your home. Placing some on the edge of the shingles and down the gutters can also inhibit ice dam formation. You can easily chip away at an ice dam when the weather warms up creating a channel for the water to easily flow off of the roof.

Consider using calcium chloride ice melt to de-ice your roof

Step 1. If you are safely able to reach your roof from the ground, remove snow 3-4 feet from the edge of your roof using a snow rake.

Step 2. Use a calcium chloride ice melt product. Do not use rock salt or sodium chloride further damaging your roof.

Step 3. Fill a nylon stocking with the calcium chloride ice melt.

Step 4. Place the stocking across the ice dam so that it can melt a channel through the ice.

Always be sure to find and remove the source of the problem. Check for icicles as many times these are some of the first signs of an ice dam. Be sure to clean your gutters regularly. Gutters full of debris will prohibit the flow of snow melt from your roof.

Remove snow and ice dam which will ultimately eliminate the next ice dam from forming. Be sure to remove snow safely without pressing down to your roof or shingles as this will further damage by breaking off the shingles. Be sure to carefully pull down the snow by pulling it down the slope of your roof line. It is not entirely necessary to remove all of the ice and snow as this will eventually melt when the temperature begins to rise.

Other ways to remove the ice is to use warm water. This can give you immediate results. Spray warm water using a canister or water bottle to loosen up the ice. Make sure the weather is going to remain warm for a length of time, otherwise this could lead to further ice developing on the roof.

Chipping at the ice is ok just be sure to not cause damage to the roof. Just create enough of a channel for the snow and ice to run through to your gutters. Be sure to stand on the ground reaching up to the roof, pulling the snow and ice toward you, not using a side-to-side motion.

Prevention of ice on the roof

Eliminate the fuel source. If left alone, ice dams will continue to build by the ice and snow on the roof.  Trim trees and clean your gutters of any debris such as leaves, sticks and branches which can prevent water from flowing down the gutters and cause ice dams in the cold weather.

Ensuring that your attic is properly ventilated and insulated will prevent ice dams from forming. Contact a local insulation company for best practices for proper ventilation. Installing larger vents, better insulation or an electric fan can also prevent dams from forming. Be sure to contact a professional with proper roofing experience to carry out any job that may seem too dangerous to handle alone.

Prevention of ice on the roof Eliminate the fuel source. If left alone, ice dams will continue to build by the ice and snow on the roof.  Trim trees and clean your gutters of any debris such as leaves, sticks and branches which can prevent water from flowing down the gutters and cause ice dams in the cold weather. Ensuring that your attic is properly ventilated and insulated will prevent ice dams from forming.

Contact a local insulation company for best practices for proper ventilation. Installing larger vents, better insulation or an electric fan can also prevent dams from forming. Be sure to contact a professional with proper roofing experience to carry out any job that may seem too dangerous to handle alone.