Why You Shouldn’t DIY Your Roof


When you realize that it’s time to replace your home’s roof, you may wonder if you should just do it yourself. It’s pretty easy to find tutorials online to learn how to do anything, and since there’s so many for DIY’s for roofing, it can’t be all that hard right? Heck, maybe you can even save some money!

We don’t want to discourage your interest in DIY projects around the home, but we do want to reinforce that while this approach works great for many projects, it can be a disaster for others. When it comes to your roof, you may want to forgo the DIY urge, and instead, hire a professional. Here’s why:

You Don’t Save Money When You DIY Your Roof

We won’t lie, replacing a roof is a significant investment, and it should not be taken lightly.

Here’s the thing, you don’t ever save money when you choose to DIY your roofing needs. If you need to replace a few worn or missing shingles, that’s one thing. However, tearing off the entire roof is a whole other challenge.

When you hire a professional roofer they know precisely what they are looking for. They’re experts at identifying not only damage but the best way to fix any damage that’s occurred.

You may think that you’re up for the challenge and can handle your roof replacement. What if you fail to notice a small issue that in a few months turns into a bigger one? When you work with a professional roofing contractor, you also receive a warranty that covers you for any issues that might arise after the job is completed. There is no warranty when you go the DIY route. 

Speaking of Warranties

Did you know that roofing material manufacturers often will not guarantee the materials if they haven’t been installed by a professionally licensed roofing contractor? This is because a botched installation will inevitably lead to costly damages, and if you are not adequately trained to install those materials, then the company cannot be expected to cover any issues through a warranty.

If you choose to do install your own roof, then know you are taking a gamble. It’s highly probable you’ll encounter problems in the future. This means if you need to make more repairs, or worse, have to get a full replacement, you’re liable. If this occurs you will be forced to pay out-of-pocket for not only the new roof but also other damage done to your home. 

Being on a Roof is Dangerous

Installing a roof might look easy, but it is dangerous work. Anytime you go up onto a roof, you deal with heights, sloping surfaces, and power tools. All of these can make for a deadly combination. 

Practice does make perfect, and when you hire a professional roofing contractor, they will not only get the job done right, but they’ll do it safely.

You May Miss a Serious Problem

You might see a small issue now and think it’s no big deal. This can be a sign, however, of serious underlying problems.

If you patch something without addressing what could be happening underneath, you could be setting yourself up from problems. Even the smallest water leak over time can spread and lead to mold, rot, or possibly structural failure.

5. Nothing is as Good as a Professional Installation

Let’s be honest. Although you’ll give it your best try, nothing that compares to the knowledge and skill of a professional. Don’t DIY your roof!

Columbine Roofing is a family-owned-and-operated business with extremely high ethics and standards. It’s our goal to provide you with an exceptional, personalized service.

Our roofing company is owned by Colorado natives who have a passion for exceeding expectations and providing this industry with top-notch service, quality workmanship and products.  At Columbine Roofing our “standard roof” includes many products that would be considered upgrades through our competitors. Our goal is to be the Best by providing our customers with the Best!